
How to Deal with Homesickness as an International Student

Homesickness hits hard when you’re far from home. Whether it’s missing family, friends, or the comfort of familiar surroundings, it’s a challenge many international students face. But don’t worry! This guide is packed with practical tips and personal stories to help you navigate homesickness and make your time abroad unforgettable. Ready to tackle homesickness head-on and turn your experience into an adventure? Let’s dive in!

Homesickness is a common experience for international students. Moving to a new country for studies is exciting but also brings challenges, especially the longing for home. This article explores strategies to manage homesickness, share personal anecdotes, and provide practical tips to ensure a fulfilling study abroad experience.

Understanding Homesickness

What is Homesickness?

Homesickness is the emotional distress caused by being away from home and familiar environments. It manifests as a longing for familiar people, places, and routines.

Example: Maria, an international student from Brazil, found herself constantly reminiscing about her family dinners and familiar streets of her hometown.

Common Symptoms

Homesickness can manifest in various ways, including:

  • Feeling sad or anxious
  • Lack of motivation
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Physical symptoms like headaches or stomach aches

Example: John, studying in Canada, often felt lethargic and had trouble focusing on his studies because he missed his family in India.

Coping Strategies

Stay Connected

Maintaining connections with family and friends back home can help alleviate homesickness.

Tip: Schedule regular video calls with loved ones to stay updated on each other’s lives.

Example: Sarah made it a point to video call her parents every Sunday, which helped her feel connected and supported.

Create a Routine

Establishing a daily routine can provide structure and a sense of normalcy.

Tip: Include activities that you enjoy and make you feel good, such as exercising, reading, or exploring your new city.

Example: Alex found comfort in his morning jogs around the campus, which became a part of his daily routine.

Make New Friends

Building a support system in your host country can significantly reduce feelings of loneliness.

Tip: Join clubs, attend social events, and participate in group activities to meet new people.

Example: Emily joined the university’s photography club, where she made friends who shared her interests and helped her feel more at home.

Explore Your New Environment

Embrace the opportunity to discover new places and cultures.

Tip: Take time to explore your host city, try local foods, and engage in cultural activities.

Example: James started a blog documenting his adventures in Japan, which not only kept him busy but also helped him appreciate his new surroundings.

Practical Tips for Managing Homesickness

Stay Active

Physical activity can boost your mood and reduce stress.

Tip: Join a gym, participate in sports, or simply go for walks to stay active and healthy.

Example: Linda joined a local yoga class, which not only helped her stay fit but also introduced her to new friends.

Seek Support

Don’t hesitate to seek help if homesickness becomes overwhelming.

Tip: Reach out to university counselors or join support groups for international students.

Example: Michael found comfort in talking to a university counselor, who provided valuable coping strategies and a listening ear.

Keep a Journal

Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be therapeutic.

Tip: Maintain a journal where you can express your emotions and reflect on your experiences.

Example: Rachel’s journal became her outlet for expressing her homesickness and helped her track her emotional progress.

Real-Life Stories

Overcoming Homesickness

Many international students have successfully navigated homesickness and found ways to thrive abroad.

Example: When Sam moved to Australia, he initially struggled with homesickness. However, by immersing himself in local culture and making new friends, he eventually felt more at home.

Embracing New Experiences

Turning homesickness into an opportunity for personal growth and adventure.

Example: Lisa used her longing for home as a motivation to learn new things about her host country, making her study abroad experience more enriching.


Homesickness is a natural part of the study abroad journey, but it doesn’t have to overshadow your experience. By staying connected, creating routines, making new friends, and embracing your new environment, you can manage homesickness and turn it into an opportunity for growth. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey, and with the right strategies, you can make your time abroad an unforgettable adventure.


What is homesickness?

Homesickness is the emotional distress caused by being away from home and familiar environments, often characterized by feelings of longing, sadness, and anxiety.

How can I stay connected with family and friends back home?

You can stay connected through regular video calls, social media, and messaging apps. Scheduling consistent communication times can help maintain strong relationships.

What are some activities to help manage homesickness?

Creating a routine, staying active, exploring your new environment, making new friends, and seeking support from counselors or support groups can help manage homesickness.

How can making new friends help with homesickness?

Building a support system in your host country can reduce feelings of loneliness and provide a sense of belonging, making your new environment feel more like home.

What should I do if homesickness becomes overwhelming?

If homesickness becomes overwhelming, seek support from university counselors, join support groups, or talk to trusted friends or family members for guidance and help.

Can exploring my new environment help with homesickness?

Yes, exploring your new environment can provide a sense of adventure and discovery, helping you appreciate and enjoy your study abroad experience more fully.

How can keeping a journal help with homesickness?

Keeping a journal allows you to express your emotions and reflect on your experiences, which can be therapeutic and help you manage your feelings of homesickness.

Are there any specific strategies for staying active while studying abroad?

Joining a gym, participating in sports, taking fitness classes, or simply going for walks are great ways to stay active and boost your mood.

What role does a routine play in managing homesickness?

Establishing a routine provides structure and a sense of normalcy, helping you feel more settled and reducing feelings of homesickness.

How can seeking support help with homesickness?

Seeking support from counselors, support groups, or trusted friends provides a safe space to express your feelings and receive guidance, making it easier to cope with homesickness.

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